Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Be Perfect as Your Heavenly Father is Perfect

Jesus taught His disciples during the Sermon on the Mount that they were to be perfect as God is perfect. That seems like an unrealistic expectation doesn't it? I mean, He's God, we're human; He's righteous and holy, we're selfish and wicked! So what does it mean? (Matt 5:43-48)

The preceding verses record Jesus' words to the people as they related to loving their enemies and those who were not like them. So in that light it's clear to see how we are to be perfect like our heavenly Father. Humans are not like God and they are His enemies, yet He still loved us and sacrificed His son for us. But how is Perfection equated with Loving our enemies?

My only reasoning behind this is that Love is the essential part of Perfection. The flow must go something like this: God is Love, He gives us Love upon our salvation, when we choose to allow God to love through us, the perfection of God is being poured out through us, and we become, like Christ, the embodiment of the Father's Love. Since there is a command to "be perfect," loving our enemies is a decision we have to make in order for the perfection of God to manifested in our lives. It is only when we love others that our light shines for all to see our good works and glorify our Father who is in heaven (v16). This is also essential for the Church, in that how we love one another is the tale tell sign that we are Jesus' disciples (John 13:35).

The command to "be perfect" implies that it is a choice we make. When we choose not to love we are being more like the enemy than our Heavenly Father. This also goes along with the greatest commandment to love God and love others. So, Let us be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect and love.

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