Sunday, March 30, 2008

Why in the world do people blog?

This is really my first blog. I'm sure there are many reasons people take 10 minutes to set up an account and then vent about what ever they want to vent about, but for me, I just want something to do when it's 3:39 AM and I can't sleep. I guess there are some pretty needy people out there who probably need to go see a good nouthetic counselor, but wine about their problems in their blogs as if that's some therapeutic relief. Along with that I'm sure there are are a few wannabe politicians who think they've figured out all the answers to the global mess we're in and they want their voice to be heard. These guys are not unlike the annoying kid in your third grade class who knew more about your own baseball cards than you did, but had no clue how to hold a baseball. They could probably use a good size shoe to the growing.

But who really reads these things anyway? And if they do, do they really even care? Probably not, because more than likely they don't know you...if they do know you they probably already know how you feel about things, because you've already told them.

Other than the fact that I need something to do in the early hours of the morning when i can't sleep, I guess I just want to be able to express my thoughts on life. I want to state the obvious and be as realistic as I can in labeling people and issues. This will ultimately come from a grounded biblical worldview, since that is the only way one can have an unchanging lens through which to see their ever changing world.

In the end I guess people blog for themselves. It's nothing more than a public-virtual journal, that you express your thought in. Sure others may read them, people in the fellowship of the Spirit may be encouraged by your words, people outside of the faith may become believers, and the postmodernist may have their perceptions influenced, but it mostly benefits the writer. Hope you enjoyed this. I did.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Ok, my only question is, what is a nouthetic counselor? Do I need one since I blog and sometimes complain on it?

To quote you, "That was brutal. Brutally honest."

I liked it. I really did. Keep the brutal honesty coming, and try not to make fun of bloggers too much, since you've just become one! :) -Lauren